Saturday, March 2, 2013

Lesson: Grids and Guides


This project introduces students to the grids and guides in Photoshop. They selected one subject matter to photograph from multiple angles ending up with between 10-15 photos to use for the grid project. The students composed a blank document in Photoshop and applied their own grid composition to it using the Guides and Rulers. They used the Rectangular Marquee Tool and the Layer Mask to put their photographs into their grids that they designed.

Photoshop Skills:

    • Guides and Rulers
    • Multiple Layers
    • Rectangular Marquee Tool
    • Adding Layer Masks
    • Transforming and Scaling

    Design Concepts:

    • Cropping and Composition
    • Variation in size
    • Balance, Color, & Unity
    • Hierarchy
    • Margins and Columns
    • Intro to Layout Design 

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