Saturday, March 9, 2013

Glamour Shots, Zombies, and Aging Portraits

This is a project I taught during my student teaching. It utilized a lot of the tools in Photoshop that are adaptable to any project or photograph. This project went over very well, and they especially enjoyed turning themselves into zombies. The students started by taking their own portraits making sure to have no major facial expression and that they were straight forward. This would make the transformations go much more smooth.

Glamour Shots

The first version the students worked on was the Glamour Shots. The tools and techniques used in this version included:
  • Layer masking
  • Making Selections
  • Layers and Adjustment Layers
  • Blending Modes
  • Filter>Noise>Median to apply a soft skin layer typically used in portrait editing


The second version the students worked on was the Zombie transformation. The tools and techniques used in this version included:
  • Layer masking
  • Making Selections
  • Layers and Adjustment Layers
  • Blending Modes
  • Color Balance to match peeled paint textures to apply to grunge skin textures

Aging Portraits

The final version the students worked on was aging themselves. The tools and techniques used in this version included:
  • Layer masking
  • Making Selections
  • Layer and Adjustment Layers
  • Blending Modes
  • Patch Tool and Opacity to apply wrinkles
  • Liquify to accentuate facial features

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