Thursday, April 11, 2013

Lesson: Multiple Me Photography


Students work in pairs and use a digital camera and tripod to photography themselves in a scene with multiple poses. By never moving the camera, the background remains the exact same allowing the student to use basic Photoshop techniques to combine the poses into one photograph.


Objectives: The students will...

-Identify the various composition techniques that make s great photograph.
-Analyze photographs and determine compositional elements.
-Apply knowledge of composition techniques to his/her photography.
-Choose a theme/situation and location to photograph that makes the subject more interesting.
-Know the rules and practice them during instruction and independent practice.
-Assemble multiple photographs into one collage image that produces a Multiple Me.


ODE State Standards:

Standard 1; Benchmark C; Indicator 1PR, 2PR, 3PR, 5PR, 6PR,
Standard 2; Benchmark B, D; Indicator 4PE, 5PE, 2RE


-Digital camera
-Camera card/flash drive
-Studio Light


Day 1: Composition

Day 2: Digital Camera Manual Mode overview and Set Up using a Tripod

Day 3-9: Photographing, 5 poses (in pairs, 1 group a day going to a location in the school while the rest of the class continues to work on previous project)

Day 10: Photoshop
-Open Test Files in Photoshop
-Drag all photos into one document using Move Tool
-Save As Photoshop File (.psd)
-Explain Layers, Name Layers
-Order Layers (Closest/Top to Furthest/Bottom
-Explain Lasso Tool to select person
-Explain Layer Mask to “Hide” information
-Explain Black/White Paint Brush to adjust the Layer Mask 

To simplify:

-2-3 photographs of the individual
-Use Eraser Tool instead of Layer Masking 

To challenge:  

-6-10 photographs of the individual  
-Multiple outfits, lots of overlap in figures  
-Include more than one composition technique