Thursday, February 21, 2013

Lesson: Abstract Composition

Grade Level: High School Art, Painting and Pastels


Overview: For this project you will you a 2”x2” viewfinder to crop an image from a magazine down to nearly total abstraction. You will use your knowledge of the Elements & Principles of Art to choose your abstract composition. The project will be blown up to 24”x24”, and it will be divided into 4 sections (equal in space, but not square). These sections will be filled in with different mediums for you to explore: Acrylic, Tempera Blocks, Oil Pastels, & Hard Pastels.

Elements: Line, Shape, Color, Value, Form, Texture, SpacePrinciples: Balance, Contrast, Emphasis, Movement, Pattern, Rhythm, Unity

  1. Create a 2”x2” Viewfinder
  2. Use viewfinder and look through magazines to find a composition you would like to paint on a larger format (24”x24”)
  3. Draw the contour lines lightly with pencil onto the large paper
  4. You will divide your paper into 4 roughly equal sections (not 4 squares) and each section will be filled in using one of four mediums. They will be done in this order:
    1. Acrylic
    2. Tempera Block
    3. Oil Pastel
    4. Hard Pastel
The student will be able to…
  • Select a square composition from an image in a magazine that represents some of the elements and principles of art.
  • Draw to scale a large contour line drawing of the image using a pencil.
  • Divide the composition into four equal areas that are not square and provide balance.
  • Apply color using four mediums: acrylic, tempera blocks, oil pastels, and hard pastels.
  • Illustrate proper blending and texture techniques to achieve the appropriate desired outcomes.
ODE State Standards:
  • Standard 1: Personal Choice and Vision
    • Benchmark B
      • Indicator 2PR, 3PR, 4PR
  • Standard 2: Critical and Creative Thinking
    •  Benchmark C
      • Indicator 1PR, 2PR, 2RE, 3RE

  1. Show Georgia O’Keefe examples
    1. American Artist first on the scene in 1916
    2. Made large-format paintings of flowers, close up as seen through a magnifying lens
    3. Show examples of the elements & principles of art in her work
  2. Be inspired by Georgia O’Keefe’s technique by cropping an image from a magazine down to abstraction.
  3. Keeping in mind, composition, color, line, shape, texture, space, etc. (Elements & Principles of Art)
  4. We are using a Square format 24”x24” for our projects
  5. Cut out a viewfinder that is square (2”x2”) and look through magazines to find a composition you would like to paint on a larger format
  6. You will draw the contour lines lightly with pencil onto the large paper
  7. You will divide your paper into 4 roughly equal sections (not 4 squares) and each section will be filled in using one of four mediums.
    1. Acrylic
    2. Tempera
    3. Oil Pastel
      1. Work from dark tones to middle tones, and then add the light tones.
      2. Once pastels have been lightened it is not easy to get them back to the original dark tone.
      3. Show blending options
        1. Light Color to Blend: Start with initial color, sketchy, and slowly add in color in different directions.  Blend with a light color to mix colors together.
        2. Heavy Color to Blend: is done after a heavy saturation of heavy colors then blended with paper towel.
        3. Baby Oil Blending: Use a paper towel or cue tip with a little baby oil to blend over top of the oil pastel that you put down on your paper.
        4. Texture: add a layer of color and burnish the oil pastel in so color is mixed. Add a second layer of color on top. Use a sharp tool to cross hatch into the color to show the layer of color below.
    4. Hard Pastel
      1. Work from dark tones to middle tones, and then add the light tones.
      2. Once pastels have been lightened it is not easy to get them back to the original dark tone.
    5. Peer Assessment: Finish the lesson with a peer critique. Have students trade projects and critique their peers artwork using the Peer Critique Worksheet.