Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Minimalist Movie Poster Design Lesson Idea

This site shows simplified redesigns of movie posters...stripped down the the most basic and important information. This could be applied to a high school design course to get students to think about layout, important content, and to learn the tools of the design software in an enjoyable project. View the examples here...

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Friday, July 6, 2012

How to: Home Made 4 Color Screen Printing Station

A great video showing how you can make your own 4 color screen printing station at home.

Make Your Own Light Table for Burning Screens

In the comments of this video, I discovered an even cheaper way to make the frame for a light old dresser drawer! No need for all of the measuring for the box!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Arts LIFT 2012

Here is the 2012 Arts LIFT crew who worked on the Feed My Sheep gates and entrance to the community garden. It was a team effort by 13 students from Firestone High School, 9 undergraduate and graduate students studying art education at UA, and 2 UA faculty who worked alongside Akron sculptor, John Comunale.